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END OF SEASON - Spar op til 60% | Shop her
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WHY? // Emerson - Ballet

Vi har fundet 7 vidt forskellige personligheder, som på hver deres helt egen måde har hold fast i deres drøm i livet. Derfor stiller vi dem et simpelt spørgsmål...WHY? Kampagnen handler i bund og grund om at hylde de personer, som tør at holde fast i deres drømme igennem tykt og tyndt, og her er måden vi fortæller deres historier på.

I was always dancing around as a kid, so I needed an outlet to do it more seriously. My mum asked some of her friends and one of her friends was a professional ballet dancer and she was like “oh, so why don’t you just bring him to this balletschool here”. They took me and they were like do you like it? And I was like: "yeah of course, sure”.

I think I was about seven when I started and I just never stopped. I liked being on stage and went to the theater, and I just liked being in another world away from reality. As a person I’ve learned so much more about being true to myself, because every day we’re always looking in the mirror trying to fix everything that we see that maybe isn’t so beautiful.






Well, I have definitely grown a lot. Not just as a dancer, but also as a person through ballet. I’ve made really good connections with people, made a lot of great friends. It’s a really small community, so we can easily relate to each other, because as ballet dancers you know it’s a very specific life we live. So it’s wonderful to get to know so many amazing people.

Ballet as an art form always strives for this kind of perfection that you know your actually never are going to get, because nothing is perfect in this world

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